Dynamic sophrology® is a body and mind technique which creates a state of conscience proper to relaxation and learning of new behaviors.
A session lasts approximately 1 hour and is based on breathing exercises, soft stretching movements and muscular tensions. Afterwards, a stimulation of mental imagery can be used based on the needs of the day.
Sophrology can be alternatively soothing, dynamic, or playful,... and lead to develop body intelligence, emotional intelligence and intuitive intelligence in order to achieve global harmony.
The sophrologist transmits the technique to the persons so they can quickly become independent. Then they can pick in the « toolbox » and choose the exercise that meets the need of the day.
In order to progress at a good pace and develop the technique in an optimal way, regular personal training at home is highly encouraged.
Dynamic Sophrology can never be a substitute for medical treatment. If you are following a treatment and observe improvements following Dynamic Sophrology sessions, talk to your doctor. Do not stop or modify your medical treatment without his/her consent.